Contact Centers

United Headsets provides wired and wireless solutions specially developed for call centers so we can offer a flexible, scalable system with superior audio quality with full mobility.

In call center environments, essential features for enhancing workflow effectiveness include user-friendly devices that facilitate seamless mobility, delivering crystal-clear voice quality even in noisy surroundings.

Our communication solution, suitable for diverse settings in call center enviroments empowers you with a versatile and scalable system. This solution encompasses special features and capabilities >>

  • Effortless scalability
  • The option for a cloud-enabled solution if needed
  • Ideal for meeting the growing demand for remote work
  • Headsets designed for all-day comfort

  • Effective noise-canceling capabilities

Communication solutions for Contact Centers


Our call center solutions feature headsets equipped with efficient noise-canceling capabilities. Incorporating ANC and ENC technologies, these headsets effectively eliminate unwanted and disruptive noise, ensuring the highest-quality audio experience for both the headset user and the receiving party.

More information or a free demo?

Learn more about our communication system and contact us so we can help you get the right solution for your workenvironment and your organisation’s needs.